treble crochet (TR)

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Yarn over and pull through the chain. You now have four loops on your hook.
Step 5
Yarn over again and pull through the next two loops. You’ll have two loops remaining.
Yarn over one last time and pull through the final two loops. You’ve now completed one Treble Crochet Stitch.
Step 6
Pro Tips for Working with Treble Crochet
You’ve likely noticed that the more times you wrap the yarn around your hook before inserting it into the stitch, the taller the resulting stitch will be. This increased height creates a looser fabric, making Treble Crochet Stitches and taller stitches ideal for lacework and other open, airy designs.
One common issue with Treble Crochet is that the Turning Chain can leave a noticeable gap at the start of the row, especially when working with bulky yarn or a larger hook. To achieve a neater edge, consider chaining three instead of four stitches for the turning chain. This shorter chain can help reduce the gap.
Another approach to minimize the gap and maintain a straight edge is to replace the chain 3 or 4 with a Treble Starting Stitch
This method often results in a cleaner, more uniform edge while still preserving the height and openness that treble crochet stitches provide.
Mastering the Treble Crochet Stitch will add versatility to your crochet repertoire, allowing you to create light, flowing projects that are perfect for everything from delicate lace shawls to elegant home decor.
what’s hooking
Patterns using this stitch
succulent cushion

Granny Gym bag