Jasmine Star stitch
1. You need to keep the yarn loose
2. You begin with puffs as a base; not chains
If you know how to work the Star Stitch you will already understand the basics of the Jasmine Star Stitch.

step 1
Make a slip knot and chain one – pull your loop about a centimeter – place the yarn around your hook – push the hook through the chain in the left leg of the “V” – place yarn over your hook and pull back through the “V” – pull the loop to the same length as the first one – continue till you have five loops on your hook.
Step 2
Place your yarn around the hook and hold onto the yarn as you pull the hook through all five loops – then insert your hook in the space between the yarn you are holding and the puff – place yarn over hook and pull through resulting in two loops on your hook (these need to be tight) – place yarn around your hook – pull through both loops and tighten.
Continue making puffs in the top “V” of the previous puff.
Step 3
Once you have a chain of puffs the last one will count as the turning chain into the first row, where you continue like so:
You make three puffs per stitch and each puff is inserted in 1) the “V” closest to your hook 2) the space between the two last puffs 3) the space between the second and third last puff.
You now have 13 loops on your hook.
Step 4
Continue like this till the end of the row. Once you reach the end of a row you turn and repeat.

I do not yet have a pattern available in this stitch. However I did make a gym bag with strings using it, which you can read about HERE.